Canada Horse Podcast

Considering the Mental Health of your Equine Vet

Episode Summary

In today's episode Nikki and Nadine speak with Dr. Chris White about the sensitive, but extremely important, topic of veterinarian mental and emotional health and how you as a client can help ease the stress on a system in crisis.

Episode Notes

In today's episode Nikki and Nadine speak with Dr. Chris White about the sensitive, but extremely important, topic of veterinarian mental and emotional health and how you as a client can help ease the stress on a system in crisis. Dr White speaks candidly about the struggles professionals in the veterinarian field face and the toll it takes on their mental and emotional health. He shares the story of Not One More Vet and highlights ways in which we can be better clients for our vets to help prevent the loss of more professionals due to suicide or leaving the profession for something less taxing. 

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